Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunny thoughts

Yesterday I took a vacation day.  Nope - definitely didn't go anywhere exciting.  Instead - it was a me day.  I have been extremely stressed out lately with the amount of work I have to get done before finals and since I have a bit of down time at work, I thought I should capitalize on it.

I spent the day working on my web design project and I'm actually pretty proud of how much I accomplished.  I feel much better and am right on track, if not ahead of where I should be based on my professor's guidelines.  It's amazing how much better I feel when I take a chill pill and re prioritize. If only I could remember that feeling before I have my breakdowns.

Now today is a brand new (and thankfully SUNNY) day and I have pushed on with a bit of homework - setting myself up for my finance class.  However, I think I've had enough.

I actually have a pretty fun evening to look forward to.  I'm going to see Matt Nathanson at Simmons with Kristen, Mike, and Victoria.  We're going to grab a bit to eat and then watch a great show.  Kara's been a few times to see him and she says his does a great combination show of music and comedy.

I'm also looking forward to getting prom pictures sent to me as Emily and Eric are off to Prom tonight - hopefully to come back with a pair of crowns.  They are in the running for Prom King and Queen and since Eric is Mr. Seymour and all - well we'll keep our fingers crossed.  That is something the Baldwin family has yet to add to their list of accomplishments.

<--Emily before last year's prom (remember - Kara and I were never allowed to go to Prom unless it was our own)
<-- High School Sweethearts (congrats on almost a year already!)

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